Bredonborough Morning reading I II
Morning reading I…
19.27 Dr. Mike arrived at noon, in town to view a property. Is this part of part of The Bredonborough Convergence? A cup of tea together in the garden of World HQ and a proposition for Dr. Mike.
Across the Market Square and home for lunch by the back door…
,.. featuring wonderful cooking by the Minx, including an excellent and very-bananery banana cake.
Catnapping for us both and down the garden for extended conversation by the riverbank, returning to cakes by the back door I…
Dr. Mike left c. 19.05 en route to Landudno I…
Into the Cellar.
20.58 A MinxWalk and to gentle, once T has handfed WillyFred…
Wilf is perky and bright; tries, but cannot, eat.
22.45 Making a fuss of WillyFred before settling in.